Women’s Issues

Despite changes in past decades in improving women’s standing in the community, we can still find ourselves in unique and sometimes challenging circumstances.

Women often have multiple roles, and the stress involved in obtaining a balance between obligations to family and children, household chores, and paid work can be exhausting.

We are more likely to look after others before ourselves.  We often struggle with trying to be accepted for who we are, and yet also fit the mold of the “ideal woman”.

Women can face challenges around body image, self-acceptance and self-esteem, including issues of ageing and other midlife concerns (such as empty nest syndrome, menopause, caring for elderly parents, widowhood).

We can be affected by post-natal/partum depression and hormonal disorders.  We are more likely than men to be raising children alone.  We are more likely to have to cope with financial hardship.

Women are also more at risk of violence and abuse, and more prone to anxiety disorders and depression.

Women are relational, and the most important relationship you can have is with yourself.

There are many things that can be done to help improve mood and resilience.  If you feel overwhelmed and under pressure, we can help you explore your needs as a woman and help empower you to deal effectively with your problems.

Women’s Issues is a specialty area for Counselling Works therapist Coralie Curtin.

View Coralie’s profile »



Counselling Works is an Auckland Counselling service based in Ponsonby, Central Auckland.